My name is Sean Chandler.
I’m a speaker, YouTuber, blogger, movie-lover, and a pretty normal guy who wants to tell others about Jesus. For that reason, I have spent over 10 years in student ministry.
I've been married to my wife since 2006. We have two wonderful kids, and two overly excitable dogs, all in our home in central Texas.
Since you clicked on a link to learn about me, here is my story:
My Story.
I grew up in a broken home. My mother loved Jesus, and took my sister and I to church every Sunday. However, my father was an alcoholic who didn't share our belief system. This made for a very tumultuous childhood. When I was in middle school, my parents finally got divorced.
Like most teenagers struggling with their parents' divorce, I started to act out and isolate myself. The summer after my 7th grade year, I signed up for a student leadership retreat at my church. Looking back on life, I'm really not sure why I signed up. My best guess is that I only signed up because my sister did, and I didn't want to be viewed as the bad kid.
Whatever the reason I attend that event, it changed my life forever!
Since I grew up in church, I'd always known the facts of the Gospel. I was always aware that I was a sinner, and that Jesus was my Savior. However, I'd never placed my faith in Him, and chosen to follow Him. For the first time in my life, the Gospel stopped being information to remember, and became a message to embrace. That summer, I put my faith in Christ!
Shortly after I began high school, my father became very sick related to his abuse of alcohol, and he died when I was just 20 years old.
This left me direction-less and confused at a pivotal time in my life.
At this low point in my life, I turned to where I'd found hope, grace, and community before...church. Over the next two years, I slowly plugged further into the community, and God continued to grow me. Eventually, I found myself interning in the student ministry at my church and, suddenly, my future became clear. Through serving in student ministry, I felt my call to full-time ministry. Shortly afterward, I headed off to Bible college.
From 2008 until 2016, I was the associate pastor (over student ministry) at a church in central Texas.
For many years, that's where my testimony essentially ended. I could tell you my latest ministry adventure, or what God was teaching me but, when it came to the major markers in my spiritual journey, that was my story.
Unfortunately, my story took a dark turn several years into my time as a student pastor.
During a stressful season of ministry filled with tragedy and heart-break, I turned to alcohol instead of Christ to get through the pain. What started as a coping mechanism soon drifted into a serious addiction. Fear of losing financial security and facing public shame led me to fight my addiction in secret.
But, sin grows in the dark, and so did my addiction.
In the Summer of 2016, I finally made the decision to go public with my struggle, resign from my position at the church, and pursue treatment.
Now, having felt the shame of sin and tasted the sweetness of grace, I have a renewed passion to spread the message of the power of The Gospel to defeat sin and empower us to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine!
You can learn more about my story at these links:
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