
Three Pieces of TERRIBLE Advice People Keep Sharing! …and better advice you should actually listen to

Three Pieces of TERRIBLE Advice People Keep Sharing! …and better advice you should actually listen to

Most cliche advice falls into one of three categories:

  1. It’s a cliche because it’s true!  i.e. “Always consider the source!”
  2. It’s a cliche because it tells us what we want to hear! i.e. “Follow your dreams!”
  3. It’s a cliche because it’s catchy!  i.e. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way!”

The problem is that far too few people stop and consider the advice they’re offering or receiving. One of the reasons we offer bad cliche advice is that we know how we’ve applied certain advice, and things worked out well for us. However, what we don’t know is how other people are going to personalize or apply that same advice. While certain words may have encouraged wise action on your part, it may lead others to utter foolishness.

Here are three cliches that are TERRIBLE advice to give someone. They tell us what we want to hear, but not what we need to hear. Unfortunately, my alternative suggestions aren’t as catchy.

Be sure to stick around to the very end for some encouraging words on pursing your passions!

Five Choices I Made That Enabled My Alcohol Addiction

Five Choices I Made That Enabled My Alcohol Addiction

In June of 2016, I resigned from my position at a church as the associate pastor in order to seek treatment for serious alcohol addiction. Just prior to my resignation, virtually no one besides my wife and I were aware of my struggles (and she only marginally so). I was never a big partier. I didn’t go out drinking. Really, in many ways, my struggle with alcohol came about from dealing improperly with the stresses of ministry. 

I’ve spent much of the last year trying to understand how things got so bad so quickly. As a piece of background information, my father was an alcoholic that died from complications of his use of alcohol when I was 20 years old. Growing up with an alcoholic in the house, drinking alcohol never appealed to me as a teenager. I didn’t even go drinking when I turned 21. Eventually, after the age of 21, I did start drinking, but it was extremely rare, and usually associated with tragedies or events. I actively made choices to avoid drinking too much because I was fully aware that I likely had genetics that would predispose me to alcoholism. All the way up until several years into my marriage, I was extremely careful about how frequently I would consume alcohol.

But, all along the way, there were choices I made that set me up for failure, or that actively set me on a path towards alcoholism. In each of these choices, the problem wasn’t the action itself, it was the logic and history behind it. As I made these choices, I was fully aware of my family history, and I chose an action that inclined me toward a dangerous direction.

Here are five deceptions, and five choices I made which led to serious addiction:

Life Doesn't End When Everyone Finds Out

Life Doesn't End When Everyone Finds Out

In June 2016, I resigned from my position at a church after eight years in order to seek treatment for alcohol abuse. By the time I resigned, my struggle had grown into full-blown alcoholism. I would drink as often as I could, and as much as I could. What started as a way to unwind after a long, stressful day in ministry or life in general eventually turned into an addiction that I could not stop. There's no exciting start to my addiction, just something that started as once per month turned into once per week, turned into once per day, which turned into whatever I could manage without getting caught.

All the while, I was in a community of people who could have (and would have) stopped me and helped me all along but, instead, I kept my struggles a secret. I tried to solve my problems on my own; this only fueled the addiction, as well as the toxic nature of what I was doing. 

Everyone Needs Someone Who Knows Everything!

Everyone Needs Someone Who Knows Everything!

From the beginning, God designed each and every one of us to connect with one another. But, not just superficial connection. God designed us to long for intimate connection with others. We were designed to be social creatures living in community. 


The truth is that everyone needs someone in their life that knows everything. 


  • Someone needs to know your secrets
  • Someone needs to know your ambitions
  • Someone needs to know your insecurities
  • Someone needs to know your fears
  • Someone needs to know your pain and frustrations

Someone needs to know everything.

Here are three reasons that everyone needs someone that knows everything: